Tuesday, March 1, 2016

2016 Chevrolet Camaro: God Speed.

"From engaging in public service to choosing goods and services, advertising calls people to action" (Landa, Robin. Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media, Pg. 2)

I tried to make the slogan as simple as possible.  In this scenario I am calling to action for the public to buy a certain good. This good is a 2016 Chevrolet Camaro. The Slogan "God Speed" is intended to make my client feel a certain way. The fact that there is a religious connotation could work for or against, but either way it catches the reader's attention. It is a little edgy and pushing the limits. 
 God Speed: An expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey. This isn’t meant to be offensive but simply mentioning God is taking a risk. However in the spirit of Don Draper, you have to take risks, especially in advertising. Using the word speed in the slogan is a play on words. Obviously trying to get the point across also that the 2016 Chevrolet Camaro is just that FAST. Not to mention, it is not man’s speed, as man has limits, but God’s Speed, which has no limits.
Consumer advertising also can be held to ethical standards. When clients and agency professionals are aware of what is unethical and keep to standards of fair practice and social responsibility, then we can have ethical advertising.” (Landa, Robin. Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media, Pg. 12) 
 Beginning early, I am making sure my advertising is ethical by respecting religion. Not to mention, there is also a part of Chevrolet that has always been treated as an “all American brand”. America has for the most part been a religious country and my slogan will also appeal to this sense of pride as an American. 

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